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Key pillars of an ESG program

An effective ESG program goes beyond just ticking compliance boxes. It creates real value and becomes an integral part of your organization’s corporate strategy, ensuring a strong connection between everyday business activities and your ESG goals. While every ESG program is unique to your business and industry, it will still follow fundamental structures laid out by key regulations and guiding principles, such as the German Supply Chain Act (“LKSG”) and the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (“CSDDD”). These include:


Establish measurable goals, track progress, and demonstrate continuous improvement in ESG performance.


Embed ESG initiatives into core business strategies, supply chain management, and risk assessment processes.

Stakeholder engagement

Actively engage with stakeholders such as investors, employees, and communities to understand their ESG priorities and build trust.

Risk management

Identify and manage ESG-related risks, such as climate change impact, labor and human rights violations, or supply chain disruptions.

Whistleblowing mechanisms

Implement robust mechanisms allowing employees to report ESG concerns anonymously and without fear of retaliation.

Innovation and technology

Use technology to streamline data collection, automate reporting, and gain deeper insights into ESG performance.

Leadership commitment

Ensure senior leadership demonstrates a strong commitment to ESG, driving its integration throughout the organization.

Detecting and correcting issues

Perform compliance gap analysis, develop corrective actions, and leverage lessons learned to continuously improve the ESG program.

Third-party management

Conduct due diligence and ongoing monitoring of third parties and suppliers to ensure they meet your ESG standards.

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ESG Challenges

Balancing ESG regulatory requirements with business realities can often feel like an unfair fight.

Compliance and Sustainability teams often struggle with limited budgets, making it difficult to implement and sustain effective ESG initiatives while staying agile enough to support business goals. The landscape of ever-evolving regulations, along with the need to analyze vast amounts of ESG data, further complicates the task for ESG leaders trying to meet the expectations of investors, employees, communities, and other stakeholders.  

Improving environmental, social and governance performance is important and compliance teams deserve better support. 

Building a better ESG program With GAN Integrity

Fortunately, with the right resources, technology, and support, you can build a world-class ESG  program. That’s why leading organizations around the world rely on GAN Integrity. We help you:

See everything

  • Supply chain mapping: Gain visibility across your extended supply chain, identifying potential ESG risks like labor violations or environmental pollution.
  • Data aggregation and reporting: Consolidate your ESG risk and compliance data with flexible dashboards and reports.
  • Risk intelligence: Integrate risk assessment data from ESG content providers to augment and automate your due diligence and continuous monitoring processes.
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Adapt to anything

  • Compliance gap analysis: Identify any gaps between your current practices and emerging regulations to ensure you remain compliant.
  • Supplier risk assessments: Develop a structured approach to evaluating your suppliers' ESG practices, ensuring alignment with your own policies.
  • Policy management: Build a comprehensive library of ESG policies covering environmental management, labor practices, and ethical sourcing.

Get all the help you need

  • Expert guidance and support: Leverage our team of specialists for guidance on navigating complex regulations and developing effective compliance strategies.
  • Employee training and communication: Equip your employees as ESG partners with the knowledge and skills to make sustainable decisions through engaging online training programs and targeted communication campaigns.
  • Streamlined workflow management: Efficiently manage approvals, revisions, and updates to your ESG policies through a centralized platform.


Supply chain overview

Our Products And Solutions


Policy Management

Manage approvals, distribution, and attestation of policies, along with centralized portals for easy access to the latest policies and procedures. Capabilities include:

  • Regulatory change management: Identify policies that require updates and timely distribution to employees in response to regulatory changes.
  • Automated workflow: Optimize the review and approval process for policies, operating procedures, and work instructions with automated workflows.
  • Comprehensive reporting and documentation: Maintain a full audit trail and generate detailed reports to provide clear evidence of compliance to stakeholders and regulators.
GAN Integrity Policy Management

The GAN Integrity Platform means all your compliance and ethics programs can be managed in one place - now that's better.

Ready for better? Receive a personalized demo.

Schedule your personalized demo of our solutions to start your journey toward a better way to unify ethics, compliance, and risk management across your enterprise.
