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Press Release: Portal Named as Recommended Tool in New ICC Anti-Corruption Guide for SMEs

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has included the Business Anti-Corruption Portal, produced by GAN Integrity Solutions, in its new guide (available here) to help small and medium-sized enterprises address third-party corruption risks.

‘We’re happy the Portal is referenced in the ICC’s new guide’, says GAN CEO, Claus Højbjerg Andersen. ‘We constantly update and seek to improve the Portal to secure its status as the best free anti-corruption compliance resource, and citations like this show the Portal is valued by important actors in the business community’. Private sector endorsements of the Portal are also mirrored in the public sector: In December 2014, the UK Government included the Portal in its most recent Anti-Corruption Plan.

About the Business Anti-Corruption Portal:
Produced by GAN Integrity Solutions, the Portal is a one-stop shop anti-corruption compliance resource aimed at the business community. The Portal is sponsored by the European Union; Sweden’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs; Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development; the UK’s Department for Business, Innovation & Skills; the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation; the Austrian Development Agency; and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Denmark. It is a referenced tool by the UN, the OECD, the World Bank, IFC and Transparency International.

About the International Chamber of Commerce:
The ICC is the largest, most representative business organisation in the world. Its hundreds of thousands of member companies in over 120 countries have interests spanning every sector of private enterprise. It promotes trade and investment and open markets for goods and services, and it provides a forum of communication for participating member companies.

About GAN Integrity Solutions:
Founded in 2004, GAN is shaping how the world’s leading corporations deal with corruption, compliance and regulatory risk. Aside from the Business Anti-Corruption Portal, GAN produces the Compliance Management System (COMS), an industry-leading compliance system that meets government regulations, reduces risk, safeguards reputation and delivers measurable ROI. GAN also provides compliance e-learning courses and workshops to help identify and resolve compliance issues.

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